Problems Sticking To Your Diet? Like many people I sometimes have a hard time sticking to my diet. My intentions are good but it seems as though I can always come up with a reason or an excuse to revert back to my poor eating habits. In order to help myself stay on track I starting playing a little game called "Stick To Your Diet." Stick To Your Diet Game The game is really simple and all that is needed to play are one or two refrigerator magnets. The magnets that I created for myself have motivational and inspirational diet tips on them to add that extra element of visualization and positive reinforcement. You can place the magnets on any metal surface but I have mine on the fridge since that's were the food is and the kitchen is where I am most likely to over-eat. Diet Game Rules The rules of my diet game are really simple. Each time that I go into the kitchen to get something to eat, I stop, l ook at the magnet, read it a...
Proper diet and exercise improves your overall health and fitness. Weight loss involves lifestyle changes that can be achieved by developing good eating habits and increasing your activity level. I'm just an ordinary guy struggling to improve my health and fitness by leading a healthier lifestyle. Come join me on my journey!